Members of TEAM STORMBRINGER send me inspirational stuff, and most of the time I post it. Lately I received some political, anti-Muslim material from a friend who is also a Brother. I won't re-print the entire thing here - elements of it were truthful but I feel the overall message was in the wrong direction - it included this passage:

    "Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept 11th, 2001? If they weren't flying planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East . . .

    Palestinian Arabs dancing in the streets upon hearing the news of the 9/11 attacks.

    . . . No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news networks that day. Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo , Egypt on June 4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that day."

    Now, I don't like all the "Kumbaya-We-Are-the-World" tripe Obama spins, his "America-is-Bad-We-Have-So-Much-to-Apologize-For" World Tour, and all his bowing and scraping to foreign potentates, any more than the next conservative . . .

    Current Occupier of the Oval Office is seen here bowing low to the king of Saudi Arabia.

    BUT - we must try as hard as we can not to fall into the trap of letting this thing we're involved in become a religious war.

    Because IF this war becomes a war against Islam, then we have just LOST. We will have lost because our embracing some kind of modern Crusade against Muslims will mean the other side will have just attained their goal: to turn all the Muslims against us.

    Before the current occupiers of the Whitehouse began playing word games, this conflict was known as the Global War on Terrorism, or G-WOT. This was a misnomer; Terrorism is a tactic; we are not at war against "Terrorism" any more than we were at war against Blitzkrieg during World War II. What we are at war against is Islamic Fundamentalism. And while this is a war against Muslim Extremism, this does not equal a war against Islam itself.


    We don't want to have to face down all the Muslims; there are simply too many of them. What we WANT to do is to turn all the GOOD Muslims against the BAD Muslims - as long as we achieve this, we are winning. And believe it or not - despite what the left-leaning Mainstream Media would have you believe - we ARE winning.

    We are kicking ass against the Muslim terrorists in the Philippines . . .

    . . . we are kicking ass against those who harbor the terrorist enemy in Afghanistan . . .

    . . . Pakistan . . .

    . . . and a thousand places elsewhere and in between!"

    Hell! We're so awesome even our WOMEN are kicking ass in this thing!

    These are my feelings as a strategist, regarding the religious aspect of this war. My personal spiritual belief is that the ultimate phase of this thing is when we start seeing all the good Muslims becoming Christians - and I believe this phenomenon is taking place - the numbers are difficult to track, but the conversions are happening in numbers large enough to be significant, none the less.

    But for the same strategic reasoning that I feel we must resist the temptation to fall into a religious war, I am also against racial profiling.

    I'm sure my detractors over at FrumForum will be amazed to learn this; I am constantly being accused of racism, of spreading racist, hate-filled themes here on Blog STORMBRINGER - although to date not a soul has been able to substantiate this; and despite articles I've posted at FF such as keeping the faith with our Muslim allies.

    Racial profiling is a flawed tactic. Consider: when the enemy becomes aware we are selective in who we look at, who we search; then they will begin sending blond-haired, blue-eyed terrorists our way: Chechins, Bosnians, anybody? The day we stop searching little old ladies in tennis shoes, they will start send little old lady terrorists our way.

    How do they recruit a little old lady to become a suicide bomber? Easy: they go to her house, put a gun to the head of her four-year-old granddaughter, and say, "We're going to kill your granddaughter, but before we do we're going to rape her in every hole - UNLESS you take THIS onto the plane . . ."


    Racial Profiling = BAD

    Religious War = BAD

    Maintaining the American Principles of Liberty, Justice and Freedom for All = GOOD

    No matter how inconvenient . . .

    The grave of U.S. Army Green Beret Ayman Taha, KIA Iraq.


    . . . I also believe that if someone were to back a semi-trailer loaded with live hogs up to the front doors of that new multi-story super mosque they're building downtown Manhattan right next to Ground Zero . . .

    An architect's rendering of the proposed 13-story mosque going up on Park Place just two short blocks from Ground Zero.

    . . . then release the swine and let them run hog-wild through the place; this would be a good step in the right direction and just about the most patriotic gesture I could think of.

    Just a thought . . .


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