JettBlack, Trak & Chapellis

    I don't know how I found the energy to go out on Saturday, after drinking both Thursday and Friday night, but I some how managed.

    We started at JettBlack, then moved on to Trak (It was better this time, but it may have been because I was drunk and with excellent company) and ended up at Chapellis for a 5am feed.

    Thank you Instagram for giving me the tan that I desperately needed!!

    The Three Musketeers reunited!

    Why are we on the floor? I do not have an answer for this. Maybe we were tired after some serious booty poppin'

    I wore this Victoria's Secret Dress

    The only thing I dislike about this dress is that the ties around the waist go around to the back of the dress, and create a puffy bit around the stomach.

    Still resting after busting out the booty pops like pro strippers.

    How cute is Vanessa's face here?

    Me and all my mates.

    One too many shots later...

    The lens thingy on my camera won't move out of the way when I'm taking a photo unless I poke it with my fingers, so annoying. Considering it is a new camera, I am going to take it back to be fixed.

    We randomly met up with some of Celeste & Vanessa's friends at Trak, and ended up going to Chapellis for a late night feed around 5am.

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