
    On Saturday, even though I knew I was coming down with the flu, I went to Allumbra with Celeste, Vanessa, Beetroot and Burak.
    Beetroots real name is also Burak but when I first met him, our first day at RMIT studying Food Science I blurted out in front of the entire class "Burak means Beetroot in Polish!!!" and it has stuck ever since, much to his dismay. It is just me and the people who know him thru me that call him Beetroot though.
    First pic of the night.
    Before the 5 vodka shots, 2 vodka and cordials, 2 wines and half a water bottle full of vodka.
    And that was just at my house and in the car before heading to Allumbra.

    Beetroot & Burak are both fasting due to Ramadan so could not drink, which means they witnessed my disgustingness in a sober state.

    Caroline Morgan top ($29.95 - bargain!!)
    Supre top worn as skirt
    Alex Alex heels
    Vanessa & Celeste

    If you look at this pic, you will see I had both false eyelashes on.

    I don't even remember lining up to get in, but apparently we were whisked to the front of the line again, it must be pure luck that every time Vanessa, Celeste and I go out it happens!

    Celestes perfect hair colour.

    Damn her.

    Okay here comes the messy-ness.

    Beetroot & I. He was not even drinking & he looked worse than I do in this pic.

    My purse is open, which is clearly how I lost $50.

    Luckily I didn't lose my ATM card, house keys and phone though!

    Burak and I.

    Out of all my photos, he is the one who always seems to have been stuck with me.

    Poor guy.

    I remember at one stage the boys making me drink water, and I had lost Celeste and Vanessa and I asked Burak if I could go sleep in his car, but they wouldn't let me.

    Okay. Please note I only have ONE eyelash on.

    Bloody hell.

    Who knows how long it would have been dangling from my eye, before falling and no1 told me.

    Love the shoulder detail on this top.

    I only have 1 black bra at the moment, and it is strapless so took the risk of my multi colour bra being seen with flash, and there it is.

    Burak, Vanessa & I.

    Poor Burak.

    Oh No.

    I guess you can never count on boys to tell you when your bra strap is showing.

    I have about 50 photos of the boys all in a row doing various poses. They are worse than we are.

    Beetroot, Afiq & Burak

    This was during the stage where I could not find the girls anywhere.

    Surprisingly we were home by about 1:45am.
    Beetroot and Celeste stayed over..
    I woke up with the worst mix of hang over & flu in the world.
    It was awful.
    I am still on my deathbed
    Really should have called in sick at work today.
    Saturday morning S had to go to work, which is in Malvern and to the bank at Chadstone so I went along for the ride. He was quick to say "No looking at shops at Chadstone". Yeah right.
    He was pulling quite a lot of cashola out at the bank, and I made a joke and said "Okay straight to Tiffany & Co" and the teller perked right up,not noticing S roll his eyes at me and was saying "Ohhh an engagement ring??" and I said "Nah I already have one of those!" then I explained I was just kidding but she still didn't get it and was asking what other piece of jewellery we were buying.
    If only.
    I did get to look at a gorgeous full set prong eternity ring though, and have asked for a quote to have it made in my size :)

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