Poking Stick.

    My sister, and matron of honour, Cat has been like my personal slave over the last few days. She has been driving me around, putting ribbons on things and trekking all over the city with me.

    You see this stick? It is my poking stick.

    We had to buy an Australian Flag for the wedding on Saturday, and I was trekking around the city with a pole. I'm not kidding you, I had so many people stare at me, I think they thought I was going to poke their eyes out.

    I won't lie to you, after an hour the power went to my head and I started brandishing it around like a mad man. Cat has a funny photo of me when I went all Ray Charles on her ass and started using it like a stick that a blind person would use in Myer. I know, I'm awful.

    Here's a funny story for you.

    Cat & I are walking down Swanston St. There are people everywhere. The next thing I know, I'm falling. I completely stacked it, majorly.

    On the way down I had an image of me in my wedding dress with a broken nose, and thought to myself "Protect the face!!" so landed on my hands instead.

    The guy behind me that tried to help me, slipped also. Damn people spilling stuff on the street.

    I was so embarrassed!!!!

    My ankle is killing me today, and my wrists really hurt but the face is fine!!

    Today I had a fantastic mani/pedi in Shellac Romantique at Miss Fox, and it looks so good!!

    This photo makes my nails look white, and my hands yellow. I promise this is not true to life.

    I have worked out that 2 coats of Romantique is perfection. Ecspecially for brides. I feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with my toes. They are weird.

    I also picked up my wedding dress! What a freaking effort that was. Cat said it was like stuffing an elephant into the back seat of the car, a Toyota Echo. I should have thought ahead and taken my car as it's far wider and the dress would have had more room. Then we took it to Geefas house as didn't want S to see it. Hopefully the kiddies don't discover it and learn to tie dye.

    We also went out for brunch, and I discovered that if you don't read menus properly you taste things you would not try any other time.

    I thought that I ordered "Tomato & Avocado on Sourdough" so when it arrived with lemon, promite & poached eggs I was surprised.

    Turned out to be quite yummy though!!

    The round home button on my iPhone has been broken for a while now, but yesterday it completely died and I nearly had a break down. Could not use the phone. Took it to some dude at Happy Mobile and he fixed it for me. Huzzahhh.

    Anyhoo, enough rambling.

    I'm getting married on Saturday. No more blogging for the weekend!!

    Please cross your fingers for sunshine and no wind on Saturday (yeah right.)

    Source URL: https://brownlowpictures.blogspot.com/2011/09/poking-stick.html
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