Koran burnings are a page right out of the Islamic Extremists playbook - behavior like this is exactly what they want us to do.


    The United States military burned Bibles in Afghanistan - nobody over here even batted an eyelid.

    In the 20th century, Christians have been persecuted by radical Muslim and Hindu groups and by atheistic states such as the Peoples Republic of China, Cuba and North Korea - where are the headlines?

    Taliban drilled holes into the torsos of two 1700 year-old Buddhist statues, placed dynamite charges inside the holes and blew them to smithereens - where are the violent, fist-waving mobs of Buddhists burning Taliban effigies?

    For the crime of being a Jew, American journalist Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and beheaded by terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - for this act the Democrats wish to reward KSM by giving him a show trial in downtown Manhattan.

    As of 2010 (source: Open Doors UK) an estimated 100 million Christians face persecution, particularly in the Muslim world, North Korea and the hands of Hindu extremism and Islamic terrorism in India, with a rising tendency - not a word from the Mainstream Media

    In the Gaza Strip, rampaging Hamas jihadists stormed churches using rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) burned every Bible and destroyed every cross they could get their hands on - you have to do a Google search to learn of this - and the Obama Administration gives these people 30 billion dollars of foreign aid.

    BUT . . .

    . . . some knucklehead cracker Bible-thumping Holy Roller down in the backwaters of Florida threatens to burn ONE KORAN and you get:

    Thousands protest Koran burning plan in Afghan north

    This just in; from the same guy who says it's okay for the 9-11 Nineteen Fan Club to build a Terrorist Victory Monument - correction, I mean Islamic Super-Mosque - oops sorry I meant to say Muslim Community Center right down there on Ground Zero:

    Obama Says Koran Burning Can Badly Damage U.S. Abroad

    Islam MIGHT be the "Religion of Peace", but it sure as Hell isn't the "Religion of TOLERANCE":

    Koran-Burning Plan is an Attack on Islam: Reports


    The reason why burning the Koran, and attacking the Muslim religion in general is a bad idea is twofold. First of all, freedom-loving people do not burn books; Nazis do that:

    . . . and secondly, despite this awe-inspiring and righteous motivational poster:

    . . . the message it transmits is patently FALSE.

    The Crusades were an unmitigated military disaster that went on for the better part of three hundred years. The Crusades were a result of the cultural madness and insanity that was medieval Europe; and more Christians and Jews were killed by Crusaders than Muslims - in fact, the Muslims WON the Crusades - NOT an era of history to be emulated, by any means.

    I say this, as a Christian, as an enlightened, civilized person, and as a professional soldier who has seen three religious wars, for what they really are: Northern Ireland, former Yugoslavia, and Israel. If we succumb to the seductive temptation to revert to a religious war, then two things will happen:

    A) We will have just played right into THIS guy's hands:

    and B) he will have just won . . .

    THINK ABOUT IT . . .

    Islam is the world's second largest religion after Christianity. According to a 2009 demographic study, Islam has 1.57 billion adherents, making up 23% of the world population:

    We can't fight them all.

    This is why an all-out religious war plays right into the terrorist enemy's hands. This is EXACTLY what they want. The objective of the Islamic Fundamentalist's worldwide terror campaign is nothing less than ARMEGEDDON.

    A better alternative is that we continue to conduct ourselves as open-minded, rational people of logic and compassion; and that the moderate Muslims continue to side with us - think: "Divide and Conquer" - and that ultimately these Muslims become Christians. As fantastic a concept as this may seem, it is well within the realm of possibility, and in fact may already be taking place.


    The Apocalypse might be inevitable - but why be in a hurry to fight it on their terms?


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