On The Obama Birth Certificate

    The Libyan military adventure putters along inconclusively as a tent-dwelling desert nomad thumbs his nose at the world's lone Superpower . . . we have reached the point predicted by de Tocqueville's where the amount of government largess doled out to the non-producers exceeds the amount of revenues taken in from those who produce . . . and reverse racism has gone from Justice Department tolerating militant, club-wielding Black Panther goons patrolling polling places to accepting as commonplace race-inspired "beatdowns" at popular fast-food restaurants . . .

    . . . and I'm supposed to take this birth certificate sideshow SERIOUSLY ? ? ?

    The truth be told, whether we admit it or not - we are ALL intrigued by this affair - and for what it's worth this latest scrap of paper does not pass my smell test. It took Donald Trump to get this far . . . brace yourselves for more B.S. to come.

    For the record I have always said it doesn't matter whether Obama was born in Hawaii, Africa, or on the moon - he was sworn in by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and as such he is legally President of the United States . . .

    . . . although I prefer to refer to him and the First Klingon as "the current occupiers of the Whitehouse".

    Hear me now: I am not now nor have I ever been a "birther" - those guys are in the same league as the tinfoil hat brigade and the 9-11 conspiracy nutjobs, and I am not of that.

    You have to admit however that “African” verbiage on the birth certificate - regarding Obama's father's race - is unorthodox. I remember they didn't even start using “Afro-American” until late 60s / early 70s.

    On the other hand, the odds that Obama's mother got on a plane in her third trimester and did what would have been in 1961 a near 24-hour journey to a VERY foreign land is right up there with the moon landing was actually filmed in a hanger in Area 51 a la Capricorn One and Onassis arranged both the Kennedy assassinations as bizarre Hellenic crimes of passion stemming out of a four-way love triangle with Jackie in the middle.

    The whole argument that there's a difference between native-born and "natural born" is a DEMOCRATIC talking point from the election of 1916, when they tried to argue that Charles Evans Hughes was not eligible to be president because his father was born in Britain. BTW, nobody ever raises this objection about presidential candidates with foreign-born MOTHERS (example: Donald Trump).

    Trumps' entrance onto the political scene is intriguing; he's more than a useful gadfly but falls short of being a Conservative. Trump is a pragmatic businessman; hence his past political contributions to Democrats, but there is no questioning his patriotism and he says the correct things about China and the Arabs. Admittedly he is very controversial and we must be careful to avoid a Ross Perot scenario - Team Obama is hoping he'll run as the Tea Party candidate and split the vote but I don't think there's too much threat of that because right now we could run Mussolini against Obama and win by a landslide.

    This is why of course there has been been such an unprecedented and concerted effort to destroy, malign & impugne The Sarah - because SHE is the threat. The Democrats know this and fear her for it.

    Trump has provided us some refreshing distraction but ultimately he is more in Jesse Ventura's league whereas the role of successor to the great Ronaldus Magnus Reagan will go to the Wondrous White Witch of Wasilla . . .



    Here is what is wrong with it:

    * Paper - they did not have the legal green paper back then but a thick white rough one. Here is what one should look like; from twins born the same week and from the same book 0bama's was suppose to be copied from.

    * There was NO race of “African” on official certificates until 1997. His dad would have been 'Negro'

    From US gov 1961 “Page 231 contains the requirements for “Race and color.”

    “Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and “other nonwhite.”

    * The address used on here was reportedly lived in by a family for 40 years during the time of 0bama's birth . . .

    “Orland Scott Lefforge owned and occupied the house at 6085 Kalanianao­le Highway. The Lefforge family, including their 3 children under the age of seven were residing at the luxury home listed on Obama’s newly found birth certificate — 6085 Kalanianao­le Highway. The “Obamas” didn’t live there. In 1961 the Dunhams lived on Kamehameha Avenue, while Obama Sr. lived on 11th Avenue."

    * There is also question about the type set used as it is from a typewriter that was released to stores two weeks before 0bama's birth and does not match the twins copy.

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